Watch and Learn Photoshop is a source of quality affordable video Photoshop Tutorials.
Each week they release a free video tutorial, here I am going to list all the free video tutorials they provide for your Photoshopping pleasure.

Lighting Adjustments
Here’s a great technique for adjusting dark and light areas in your digital photographs. It’s quick, easy and best of all, it’s non destructive.Sharpening Techniques
Here are two optional sharpening techniques to clean up those digital photographs. Option one can speed up your work flow, while option two offers greater control with a more obscure, yet powerful tool, the High Pass Filter.Digital Color Photo Enhancement
Want to make your digital color photos come to life? This technique, used by the professionals, will give those photos the “pop” they need for web and for print…easy, quick, and fun!Using Levels and Unsharp Mask
Don’t delete an over- or underexposed or blurry image until you try this tip. If you don’t have the benefit of professional lighting or fancy camera settings, sometimes your digital photos will come out too dark, too light or a little fuzzy. Photoshop to the rescue! Learn how to use Levels and Unsharp Mask to adjust the lighting and sharpness of a photograph.Using Actions
If you find yourself repeating the same Photoshop keystrokes and commands over and over again, one image after another, then you need Actions! Teach Photoshop to remember each step of a repetitive series of steps and apply them automatically, stopping along the way when you need to add a custom touch. Watch this tip for an introduction to Actions, demonstrating how to record or save steps and apply those same steps to other images. Then kick back and take a break with the time you save.Gradient Background and Drop Shadow
Ever wonder how to take an object from a photograph and make it stand out on its own? Sure, you can delete the background, but that just leaves a plain, flat background, which probably makes your object appear flat too. Learn a simple way to add richness and depth to an object’s appearance by adding a gradient background and a drop shadow.Liquefy
In this tutorial, you will learn how properly use the liquefy filter in Photoshop CS2. This can be a very effective tool when editing your digital photography. Learn to create professional looking photos.Vanishing Point
This is one of the most amazing things in Photoshop CS2 hands down! You will learn how to edit your photos with a brand new filter called Vanishing Point. Learn to use the plane tool to paint out objects and keep in scale with the photo, simply amazing.Using Paths to Crop a Background
Want to separate an object in a photograph from all the clutter surrounding it? Paths are a great way to create a smooth, accurate selection around any object – no matter what’s in the background. This tip shows how to create a simple path around an object, convert the path to a selection and then mask out the background so the selected object becomes an independent image.
How to Size a Photo for the Web
When you need to resize a photo for the web, it’s important to preserve as much of the quality of the original image as possible. Maintain the highest image quality by following the steps in this tip. Learn to crop, change the resolution and resize a photo for the web, while minimizing the number of times it’s processed in Photoshop.Water Drops
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add water droplets to your pics by using the Elliptical Marquee Tool and adding layer styles. Learn how to use blending options while working with layers to get a realistic water drop.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to take a digital photo and convert it into a realistic sketched drawing. You will learn how to give the effect of a hand drawn picture by using filters and layers.Ripple
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a classic background image of ripples on water. Photoshop makes this easy and fun to create and you can use this on banners, webpages and splash pages.Planet Eclipse
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create the illusion of a solar eclipse, or a planet out in space. This is a very popular effect and has been widely used in all media.Map Burn
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create the look and feel of an old antique map. You can apply this effect to new maps and wow your friends and clients. You will learn to create the effect of burnt edges and yellowed paper.Laser
In this tutorial, you will take a digital photograph of a person or layout and create a sci-fi looking laser blast. You will learn how to create colors using layers and blending modes. This is an exciting tutorial that will WOW your friends!Warp
Custom WatermarkA new feature to Photoshop CS2 is the Warp control. Learn to take an image, and not only distort and transform, but now warp the image and still retain quality. Photoshop CS2 now lets us take image control beyond free transform.
Protect yourself with a custom digital watermark. Add that professional look to any digital picture and set yourself apart.Wind Filter
This is a great effect using the color table and the wind filter. Take text or any object and apply a stunning effect that looks very professional.Lens Correct
In this tutorial, you will learn how to correct photos within Photoshop using the new lens correction filter. Learn to adjust the perspective of your photo without re-taking the shot.Gradient Mask Blur
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a gradient mask to add a blur effect to the background in your photos. After this tutorial, your digital pics will be winning awards.Blur Filters
Learn to use the new blur filters provided in Photoshop CS2. These new blur filters take your projects to a new level. In this tutorial, you will learn about the very exciting new blur filter called “Surface Blur” that will add a professional look to any digital photo.Creating Realistic Ice
In this tutorial, Craig Campbell will demonstrate how to give a realistic ice texture to your shapes using Layer Styles.Creating a Carpet Texture
In this tutorial, trainer Craig Campbell demonstrates how to create a fibrous carpet texture in just a few simple steps in Photoshop.Bicubic Sharper
When resizing an image in Photoshop, if you use all the default settings, the image will end up with a little bit of a blur to it–hardly distinguishable, but it is there. In this tutorial, you will learn how to customize the way your image is resampled when you resize it in order to maintain the sharpness of the image.3D Angled Text
Have you ever wanted a line of text to pop off the page? In this tip, Brian Harber shows a 3D angle effect that will make your text standout.Red, Black and White
Who knows where the new style of a single-color (usually red) contrasted with black and white came from? Regardless, Brian Harber shows us in this video the various methods of capturing that vibrant red or other color while desaturating the rest.Clear Skies
In this tip, Brian Harber explores the wide potential in sky replacement and subsequent color adjustment. If you’ve ever had a picture that you loved, but it was unfortunately very cloudy or dull, here’s an easy way to spice up that picture.Making a Photo Old
There are lots of methods of aging a photo. Instead of just weathering and roughing it up, Brian Harber shows us the basic properties of old photo exposure, and how to achieve the same look in Photoshop. [High contrast, fuzziness, random shadow from flash; no true black; THEN add dust & scratches]“Photoshop CS2 – Designing with Photos” Preview
In this video tutorial, trainer Geoff Riggs demonstrates several different ways to convert an image to black and white using Photoshop CS2, and discusses the positives and negatives of each method.Non-Destructive Dodging and Burning
The Dodge and Burn tools in Photoshop are great tools for lightening and darkening areas of your images. However, these tools are destructive to your original photograph and can only be reversed using your History panel. In this tutorial, Geoff Riggs will show you a more creative and effective way of achieving the same effects without affecting the image layer itself.Painted Frames
In today’s video tutorial, Geoff Riggs will show you how to created a quick and easy frame for your photographs simply using the eraser tool.Colorizing Black and White Photos
Many black and white images can be made much more interesting simply by adding a little color. In today’s tutorial, Geoff Riggs will show you how to paint color onto a black and white photo.Steel Text Effect
The great thing about text effects is that they’re usually very easy to reproduce. In this tutorial, trainer Geoff Riggs will show you how to make a steel text effect, and then he’ll show you how to save this effect so that it can easily be applied to other layers in the future.Perspective Cropping
It seems like it would be quite a task to straighten up a picture of an object that was taken at a severe angle. However, Photoshop’s Perspective Cropping feature allows you to do this in one simple step. In this video, you’ll learn how to use this amazing tool in Photoshop.Levels Adjustment
You may already know the basics of the levels adjustment tool, but in this video, Geoff Riggs will show you a neat little trick you may not have known. Using this method you’ll be able to very quickly and effectively adjust the brightness and contrast of your image in a very intuitive manner.Series Preview � Creating a New Document
Today’s tip is an excerpt from the upcoming video series, “Introduction to Photoshop CS 2″ by trainer Geoff Riggs. In this video clip, you’ll learn some of the basic options available to you when creating a new document in Photoshop.Casting Shadows
In today’s video tutorial, Geoff Riggs will teach you how to create an elongated shadow cast in front of a block of backlit text.Smoothing Skin
Sometimes the camera does TOO good a job of capturing all the details, especially when it comes to skin. A close-up portrait can sometimes reveal tiny bumps and roughness that we might not want to see. In this video, you’ll learn a very effective technique for smoothing out your skin in Photoshop.Polaroid Pictures
In today’s video tip, you will learn how to take a photo and transform it into an old-fashioned Polaroid photograph.Grunge Borders
In today’s Photoshop tutorial, Geoff will teach you how to create a very easy, but very effective, white grunge border around your photographs.Creating a Grid with a Custom Pattern
In today’s video tutorial, Geoff will show you how to create and define a custom pattern in Photoshop and then use that pattern to create a grid background for your Photoshop file.Using Clipping Masks
You’ve all seen postcards or advertisements with a picture of something inside a block of bold text. In this tutorial, you’ll learn just how easy it can be to achieve this effect.Making Changes Across Multiple Photos
Ever wanted to resize a group of images or add a watermark to a group of images, but you just didn’t have the time to do it? Well, with Photoshop’s Batch processing capabilities, you can make changes to multiple images all at once. In this video, you’ll learn how to add a watermark to a collection of images all at once.Linking Effect
Ever wanted to link two objects together in Photoshop so that they seem to weave in and out of each other, kind of like the Olympic rings? Well, it’s easier than you might think! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create this linking effect in just a couple very easy steps.Turning Pictures into Statues
Today’s tip is a two-for-one for those of you who want to know how to extract a person from an image. After learning how to do this, you’ll also learn how to turn that person into a statue in just a few simple steps.Posterizing Images
Turning your images into illustrations isn’t as difficult as you might think. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to make your images look cartoonish in just one simple step.Adding Smoke to an Image
Want to make your motorcycle photo gallery a little more exciting by adding a little smoke to your pictures? In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to create smoke in Photoshop using filters and blending modes.Saving Color Swatches
When designing a web layout or some other type of design layout, you will often need to use some of the same colors over and over again. In this video, you’ll learn how to add color swatches to your Swatches pallette, save your current set of color swatches, and load a set that you’ve already saved.Using Layer Masks
A layer mask in Photoshop is basically a way of hiding and revealing certain parts of a layer. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to create, edit, delete, and modify layer masks in Photoshop.Making a Panorama with Photoshop
Ever wanted to take a panorama but couldn’t find your wide angle lens? In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a panoramic image out of a few separate images using a little recoloring, retouching and blending.
3D Reflection Effect:
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to perform the transformations necessary in order to make a very effective 3D reflection effect.Glossy Reflection Effect:
All across the internet, you’ll find flashy logos and text effects with aCreating a Grassy Field in Photoshop:
glossy white reflection across the top of the graphic. There are many ways
to achieve an effect like this in Photoshop, and in this tutorial, trainer Craig Campbell shows you his preferred method of
creating just such a reflection.
One of the most underappreciated tools for beginners in Photoshop is theLightning Effect:
brush tool. Most beginners think that this tool is simply used to paint
round or square strokes onto the canvas. These same beginners would be
shocked to learn that you can very easily create an entire field of grass
using only the brush tool. In this tutorial, Craig Campbell from will show you how to use brush shapes and brush dynamics to
create your own grassy meadow in Photoshop.
Realistic lightning seems like it would be difficult and time-consuming toPlastic Text Effect:
create in Photoshop. But it is much simpler than you might think. In this
tutorial, trainer Craig Campbell shows you how to use a few
filters and tonal adjustments in order to achieve a very realistic lightning
effect that will look a little bit different every time you attempt it.
One of the most widely used text effects in Photoshop design is the plasticThe Shadow/Hightlight Tool:
text effect. There are hundreds of different plastic effects you could come
with, and in this tutorial, Craig Campbell from will show you
just one of many ways to add some plasticky depth to your text.
Sometimes it is necessary to make an image a little brighter. Sometimes itAncient Map Effect:
is necessary to make it a little darker. But what if you need to do both? Or
what if you only need to brighten up a small portion of an image, perhaps
where there are some dark shadows? In this tutorial, trainer
Craig Campbell will show you how to use Photoshop’s Shadow/Highlight tool to
bring out the shadows and calm down the highlights all in one simple step.
Photoshop is an amazing graphics program, and with it, you can create someRibbon Effect:
very photorealistic graphics. In this tutorial, for example, you will learn
how to create an antique map with holes and burned edges.
This tutorial would also be great for creating antique hand-written letters.
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to take an ordinary piece of script textPerspective Cropping:
and transform it into a 3-dimensional, semi-transparent ribbon in just two
simple steps. This tutorial would also work for a very simple shape that you
might want to turn into a logo or something like that.
If you’ve ever tried to take a flash photograph of a
framed picture straight-on, you’ve probably noticed that it’s impossible to
do so without planting a large reflection of the flash right in the center
of the picture. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to avoid that unwanted
reflection by taking the picture from an angle and then adjusting the
picture using perspective cropping.
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